There are two ways to living your life,
one is as if nothing is a miracle
and the other is as if everything is.
Albert Einstein.
As a "thank you" to our Service Men and Women, the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus gave a multitude of tickets to Fort Carson. These tickets were offered to the currently stationed Service Men and Women at Fort Carson, and their families to enjoy an evening at the the Circus. We were fortunate to be invited with our family, and it was a WONDERFUL evening. We sat five rows from the floor, just off the center. I have never sat in such awesome seats. Thank you Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus, a special thank you to our Service Men and Women around the world, and most importantly, thank God for our family.
My Grandma June, My Aunt Sherry, and My Uncle Jake loves me too!
Gramdpa John, Grandma Carroll, and Aunt Blaine sure think I am special!
And, yes sweetheart, ~~~
you really are a Mommy ~~~
~ She already has Grandpa~
making funny faces. Go Grandpa !